Meet The Producers
Let’s talk about agony. First yours. You’re at that delicate junction with a script in your valise, a budget and an ego wracked with trauma, the sort of trauma you’ve developed jumping through hoops for months trying to get something good up. It was agonizing, but now you’re nervous, because you have to hand your baby over to a group of strangers, a director and a production team who haven’t lived it the way you’ve lived it, who haven’t suffered, who haven’t agonized. How do you trust that they’ll be able to pull it off for you? How do you know they’ll do the script justice?
Well, here’s the thing. Now our agony begins. Now we worry. Now we work tirelessly and lose sleep, throwing ourselves selflessly onto the grenade that is your atom bomb of an idea because we want to make it more than just a cracker. Why? Well, we can see the potential in it and we believe we can tune it, elevate it and above all else, honor it with the production it deserves. It may cause us stress to do that and we’re prepared to suffer for this art but you of all people know why that is. Because love hurts. It’s supposed to. You know the feeling?
Noelle Jones
Executive Producer
m: 0488 076 556
Tanya Spencer
Executive Producer
m: 0412 415 860
Victoria Conners
Executive Producer
m: 0418 349 123
Esmé Fisher
Executive Producer
m: 0428 328 428